Knocked-Out Teeth: What to Do in A Dental Emergency

Dealing with a tooth that has been knocked out of your mouth can be a very frightening and stressful experience. Read on to find out what to do in this scary situation and discover how experienced dentists can help you.

What to do if a tooth has been knocked out

If it's an adult (permanent) tooth

Hold it by the white bit that sticks out of the gum (the crown). Do not touch the root.

Lick it clean if it's dirty, or quickly rinse it in cold running water for no more than 10 seconds.

Try to put it back into the hole in the gum. If it does not go in easily:

●      put it in milk

●      put it in saliva – by spitting into a container (if it's your tooth) or having your child spit into a container (if it's theirs)

●      hold it in your cheek until you see the dentist – but do not have younger children do this in case they swallow it

If it goes back in, bite down gently on a clean cloth to hold the tooth in place.

You’ll need to get a dental check-up as soon as possible.

If it's a baby tooth

Do not put it back in – it could damage the tooth growing underneath

How a dentist can help you

If your tooth has been knocked out, you’ll need to see a dentist immediately. Remember, knocked out teeth with the highest chances of being saved are those seen by the dentist and returned to their socket within 1 hour of being knocked out.

If you put the tooth back in, the dentist will check it's in the right place and move it if they need to. If you brought the tooth in milk or saliva, they'll clean it and put it back in.

They'll then fix the tooth to the teeth either side of it to hold it in place (splinting). You'll probably need to go back after a couple of weeks to have the splint removed.

If you cannot find the tooth or the dentist is not able to save it, it can normally be replaced with a false tooth.

Any dental emergency, like an injury to the teeth or gums can be potentially serious and should not be ignored. Ignoring a dental problem can increase the risk of permanent damage as well as the need for more extensive and expensive treatment later on. If you’re experiencing a dental emergency, Dr Rez can help. Based in Liverpool, we offer professional dental care services that cater to your every need. Contact us now to seek dental treatment today.

Been a Dr. Rez patient for around 4 years now. From initially needing a lot of work done to now just regular check ups and cleaning. I can confidently say it's been one of my best decisions. From being a very nervous patient to now quite enjoying my appointment (relatively anyway ha). Currently my therapist is Lilly, very ably assisted by Mel and they couldn't be more encouraging, thoughtful and nice. I get great advice and couldn't feel better looked after. Couldn't recommend more.
